A group of wonderful ladies, gathering in her cozy and welcoming home. Splitting in to two or three groups, we prepared Nese’s  impressive dishes.

A group of wonderful ladies, gathering in her cozy and welcoming home. Splitting in to two or three groups, we prepared Nese’s  impressive dishes.

Turkey is well known for its hospitality and its delicious cuisine. Nese and her cooking classes are a wonderful example of this. I am very certain that she will be a great ambassador for her country abroad in many ways.

Nese’s cooking classes were very enjoyable. A group of wonderful ladies, gathering in her cozy and welcoming home. Splitting in to two or three groups, we prepared Nese’s  impressive dishes. Cooking was very entertaining. Some of us were struggling with some difficult techniques, however Nese immediately comforted the ones in need and showed us the correct way to tackle what needed to be handled in a much easier and enjoyable manner.

My favourite  part of the wonderful cooking journeys would be, tasting each other’s delicious dishes after all of the hard work.  Sat around the table, we all enjoyed our food, while being fairly proud of what we had accomplished.

I would recommend Nese’s cooking classes to everyone who wants to make cooking fun. Nese’s recipes are tasty, colourful and healthy. My family and I, enjoy her delicious recipes a lot.

We will miss Nese a lot in Istanbul, however I am very happy that she can bring her positive spirit and light to other families.